
20th Dec, 2004, Interview with MJJForum

March 3, 2011

Lei: I just want you to know that I have been a fan of yours since your
appearance in Michael’s video (The Way You Make Me Feel)! You and Mike looked great together. I was actually thrilled when I “heard” that you two were dating! Some fans still don’t believe that’s true? Would you like to elaborate on that?

Tatiana: This is the question that I get asked the most.  This is actually one of the main reasons that I decided to write my book The Way He Made Me Feel. This is not something that I can answer in a few lines because I have chapters dedicated in detail about the experiences between Michael and me. I will tell you that Michael reported to the media, to members in his camp, and to his mother Katherine that he loved me.

Lei: I was always looking around and hoping I would see you pop up in another music video, movie, or something. I have seen all your television appearances and managed to find your website by just typing your name into a search engine. You even made me realize that a woman was sexy as hell in a black dress and boots! Any thoughts on that?

Tatiana: I had many disappointments while living in L.A. after doing the video. I went through much turmoil and distress. Fortunately, I chose to write about it all, it was extremely cathartic. Hence, my book was born. I tried getting a book deal and did, except it turned out to be a disappointment and a lesson. I also did an interview with a tabloid and basically learned the hard way that they were going to tell my story their way. Big mistake, but we live and learn – that’s what life’s about. So, I kept the hope and dream that someday I would do my own book “My Way.” As for the dress and boots…..well, it was the look I put together for the initial audition. It worked as Michael liked the look, from what I was told.

Lei: I know that you’ve done “Beat Street”, a music video for Levert, and liquor ad campaigns, but tell us what else you’ve done before the video with Michael? What have you been doing since?

Tatiana: Before working on the video with Michael, I had done several modeling jobs with my then agent Nina Blanchard. I did a campaign for Billy Dee Williams eye wear and an appearance on Hotel – a hot TV show at the time. Before that I lived in New York, which is where I grew up. While living in New York I had done my first video shoot with Herbie Hancock. It was his follow up album, (after his big hit with “Rockit”) titled Hard Rock. That prepared me in many ways and it was a blast. Prior to that, I modeled for five years in Japan.

Since I left L.A. in 1996, I have been focusing on my many projects I hope to bring to fruition, and learning from people and life itself.

Lei: You were one of the writers for “Once More With Feeling”, which by the way I can’t find at the local library and haven’t had the pleasure of reading it…yet! How does “The Way He Made Me Feel” differ from what you wrote in “Once More…”?

Tatiana: Once More with Feeling was a “great” disappointment. They wrote the story in their words and they focused on the stories that interested them. They were even selective about the other stories. I didn’t like this project. My book is the real thing. It’s in my “own words” and I tell the reader about all my crazy experiences and how heartfelt and confusing they all were. It is “My Autobiography”. Not a kiss and tell and not a tell all. It takes you on a bit of a journey, from me as a little girl and all the dreams I believed in, to real life and dealing with show business. And yes, it expresses the great love I had for Michael, although I have moved on with my life and my feelings for him. I will always wish him nothing but the very best; a small part of me will always care.

Lei: Are you single? Any kids?

Tatiana: No, I am not married and I do not have any kids. It would have been nice but it just hasn’t happened that way. The last time I dated was three years ago – he was a Miami police officer and he basically broke my heart into shreds. So, I have totally focused on my work and projects. Maybe someday the Lord will bring the right guy into my life, it would be nice. I have learned a lot and have been through a lot so it will definitely have to be someone mature, confidant, and sophisticated and has his own thing going on. But, I do pray a wonderful man will come along someday.

Lei: Are you recognized as “That Girl from the Michael Jackson video?” If so, has this been a career killer or thriller?

Tatiana: Unfortunately it was a career killer being “The Girl from The MJ Video”. For some reason casting agents couldn’t look beyond it. It hurt me a lot professionally; I lost work all the time. I am still recognized to this day and still there is this big curiosity and bombardment of questions. My partner Tonia saw this when we first met after being around me for a while. With the intrigue still lingering over me makes me even happier to know that people can just buy the book and leave me alone, (he! he!).


Joe Jackson Biography, 2004

March 3, 2011

Brooke started university and Michael had begun to fall in love with a young dancer. They flirted with each other during the filming of one of his videos and he allowed them to be photographed together in front of his trailer. On their first date towards the end of the 80s Michael’s manager Frank Dileo was present as a sentry dog. Frank knew that Michael was interested in her and the three of them met at a restaurant. Without informing Michael, Frank had tried to court her even though he wa...

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December 15th, 2004, Interview by MJNewsOnline.

March 3, 2011

How did you set out on your career in modelling?

I got into modeling on a fluke. I was scouted out one day while in ballet class, at The School Of American Ballet. It was Barry Lategan, (who discovered Twiggy in the early 60′s) who hired me for a special spread In Modern Bride Magazine. The spread featured ballerinas on point. It was the flame that sparked my modeling career. Several months later I met Antonio Lopez, a famous fashion Illustrator. Antonio took my modeling career to the next...

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About Me

Tatiana Yvonne Thumbtzen I am an American actress, model and dancer. I am of African-American, Cherokee Indian & Cuban heritage. And given the birth name of Stephiane Yvonne Thumbtzen. I'm 5"7 and weigh 105lbs. Adopted by my wondeful father O'Cain Thumbtzen and Evelyn Thumbtzen, my mother who i love unconditionally. Mostly well known for my role in portraying the love interest of pop star Michael Jackson in the "The Way You Make Me Feel" music video off his seventh studio album, Bad. I began to train in ballet dance at the age of 8, where i moved to New York in my early teens on a ballet scholarship. I then studied at Juilliard in the school of American Ballet, a training camp for choreographer George Balanchine of the New York City Ballet Company. I stated out in an interview that through dance, I acquired a contract for modelling, and by age 19, I had gone to Japan to start my career as a model. Once returning to New York, I began working on a Harry Belafonte Production film, Beat Street, before moving to Los Angeles at the end of 1986 to begin working on commercials and print-work. One of my first print work jobs was a campaign for Billy Dean Williams for LA Eyewear. After that I applied for a few other jobs. Which i landed the job of acting in Michael Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel" music video after being picked by him in the audition. Filming began around the end of 1987 to the start of 1988. Also I have appeared in the opening credits of the television series "A Different World".

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